Global is considered an essential business and remains open to support our clients’ needs during these uncertain times. In the interest of our shared safety, we are staffing our locations on a reduced hours basis to fulfill essential services only.
Serving and supporting our clients is at the heart of what we do, and we have employed every tool at our disposal to ensure our staff can continue to perform their jobs, maintain required social distancing, and fulfill our promises to you. Going back to 1960, our firm has weathered its share of storms. Please know that we are here to support you however we can, as we weather this most recent storm together.
Below are some of the tools we’re using to make this virtual transition as smooth as possible. You’ll also find resources and key insights from our partners at Buckingham Strategic Partners that we hope you’ll find helpful.
David Garelick EA, CFP®, AIF®
Account Access
Click here to access our client login page.
Scheduling Virtual Meetings
Click here or give us a call to schedule a virtual or phone meeting.
Securely Send Documents
Click here to securely upload any documents to us that has sensitive information on it (Account Numbers, SSN’s, etc.)
Investment Account Deposits
While you can continue to mail us checks, the best route to make deposits is electronically through the custodians mobile apps (Schwab, Pershing, Betterment). Please feel free to reach out to us for assistance.
Stimulus Check
Click here to track your stimulus payment from the IRS’ website.
Cyber Security
The National Cyber Security Alliance has great information and tips on how to protect yourself from current threats.
How Will The Newly Signed Covid Stimulus Bill Impact Me?
Buckingham’s Tim Maurer and Director of Advanced Planning Jeffery Levine have a lively discussion about the latest Coronavirus Stimulus 2.0 and what it may mean for you. For those continuing to search for additional perspective, this video series is a great
PPP Flexibility Act
On Monday, June 8, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin and Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Jovita Carranza issued a joint statement regarding the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility (PPP Flex) Act, providing some valuable new insights in the following areas:
CARES Act Webinar
Jeffrey Levine’s latest webcast addresses COVID-19 crisis planning for small business owners.
Top 10 Cares Act Provisions You Need To Know About
What programs in the government’s enormous Coronavirus and economic relief package – the CARES Act, which went into effect at the end of March – apply to you, your financial goals this year, and your longer-term plan? How do you
CARES Act unpacked – what do I need to know about the unemployment provisions?
Fallout from the pandemic has led to record unemployment. Whether it’s your first time filing or you’ve been here before, Jeffrey Levine shares what you need to know about filing in the age of COVID-19. For those continuing to search for
What Considerations Should Small-Business Owners Make During This Time?
The financial considerations of owning a business are complex on a good day. Throw in a global pandemic and relief provisions that change by the hour, and it’s no wonder owners are overwhelmed. Tom Bodin breaks it down. For those continuing
What are the tax relief measures being taken and do I qualify?
Beyond a new filing deadline, several early measures were taken to ease the tax burden upon individuals and businesses impacted financially during COVID-19. Jeffrey Levine shares what we need to know about tax relief. For those continuing to search for additional
Cares Act Includes Relief For Retirement Account Owners
On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law. Notably, several provisions of the CARES Act deal with retirement accounts and offer relief to retirement account owners and/or beneficiaries in a variety